Do you want to see this on your house tomorrow morning?

For Sure, we all love free "ART" and support this "famous artists" fully!!

Graffiti cleaning by laser

Quick and efficient result without efforts

Graffiti is often removed by using steam or chemicals. The disadvantage of these techniques is the fact that they’re not always as effective as they should. With other techniques, like sandblasting, there is a risk of damaging or wearing down the underlying layer. This forms a problem with softer stone types and historical buildings.

Laser cleaning is very suitable for removing graffiti. The laser beams will quickly heat up the paint layer, which then will evaporate. The underlying stone or concrete layer remains cool because of its higher ablation temperature. So the laser beams will have no effect on the underlying stone or plaster layer. Even on wood or glass, paint can be removed!

When using sufficiently powerful laser sources, the removal of graffiti goes very fast. Depending on the age, the color and the thickness of the paint layer, we are able to clean a square meter full of paint in less than half an hour with our heavy power cleaning lasers.

Thanks to its quick cleaning, laser cleaning is comparable or even better in price to the other techniques, but it has so much better results with a very high positive ecologic impact.

Every City, every little Village, they are all heavily infexted by Graffiti!

Click on each Graffiti picture to make it bigger

Advantages of graffiti removal by laser cleaning

  • Eliminates the use of solvents (climate protection)
  • Reduction of grinding and chemical cleaning resources
  • Reducing noise in inhabited parts of cities
  • Cost reduction
  • High productivity of tools
  • Reduction of the masking material
  • The process can be used safely outdoor (for example masts) and in the locations where it’s not possible to use conventional methods

Advantages of graffiti removal by laser cleaning

  • Eliminates the use of solvents (climate protection)
  • Reduction of grinding and chemical cleaning resources
  • Reducing noise in inhabited parts of cities
  • Cost reduction
  • High productivity of tools
  • Reduction of the masking material
  • The process can be used safely outdoor (for example masts) and in the locations where it’s not possible to use conventional methods